Max’s New School is a Great Success

new schoolToday we went out to find Max a new school. The property manager here suggested a local one which is very close to the house and so we went there. We had barely opened the door and started talking to the principal when Max stormed the gates that separated the kids from the off limits areas and before long was sitting there with the big kids (5 years and up) drawing vulcanos and space ships. I talked more to the principal about the hours, rates, meal times – the usual – and by the time we had agreed on a rate ($100 for the month including meals and extended hours from 12 noon to 4:30 pm) he had pretty much forgotten about us.

I had mentally prepared for a tearful good-bye, big sobs and promises to be a good boy if we just wouldn’t leave him there but wasn’t quite prepared for the brief conversation that took place:

“Max, dear, Mama and Papa are leaving now for a bit and you stay with the nice people here and play with the kids.”

– silence – then “Mama, look, I am painting a vulcano. The people of Mexico City are very afraid of Popocatepetl.”

“Honey, we are leaving now. Okay? You stay here – everything is great.”

“Okay” – impatient wave of the hand meaning something like “whatever! Just go, don’t you see I am busy.”


new school
We got to walk the streets of Merida while Max was in his new school, (c) Tina Baumgartner

So we went out merry way, looking at churches, fighting with the ATM machines – all the fun stuff grown-ups get to do when their child is at day care especially in a new school. The phone always in earshot in case they should call and let us know that Max is disolving in tears. No call. So finally we called and asked to speak to him and were told in a rather determined tone of voice: “Max is eating.” Well, good then.

By the time we got there after lunch our son behaved as if he had never been any place else, sported an new hair-do with lots of gel (along the lines of those he gets from Greislye at his day care in Sunnyvale occasionally) and didn’t want to come home with us. He finally did agree to going home for a rest. To my great joy on the way back he said something along the lines of “when we come back I’ll do ….” The rest I didn’t hear, he was ready to go back – wow!

I am not quite exhaling yet but so far so good – easier than anticipated.