The Ultimate Mexican Experience: Shopping

ShoppingToday we immersed ourself in Mexican culture and the fine tradition of shopping – at Wal-Mart. I admit, this is a bit embarrassing but we missed the morning window of opportunity to shop for fruit and veggies at the local farmers market and going to a “real store” seemed like a good idea (as opposed to the tiny tiendas all around that sell a dazzling array of nuts and tortilla chips and a few bottles of beer plus neon-colored candy).

A more typical Mexican shopping experience: the street vendor.

It was interesting, the store was rather upmarket, large, airconditioned and spacious with lots of stuff from dishwashers to broccoli but it was still only a fraction of the US versions. They had local fare, especialy the veggies, meats and pasteries (yummy) were local plus the usual ubiquitous brands.

Wal-Mart is at the end of what I dubbed “Calle Gringo” which has the usual names from Hyatt to Subway and Starbucks – two blocks in the middle of Yucatan that could be anywhere in the US but specifically reminded me of a somewhat posher neighborhood in San Jose I have recently been to. Quite curious.

Anyway, I don’t feel too bad. I missed my once a year Wal-Mart shopping experience on Kauai where we always go crazy buying stuff we otherwise would never buy and then have to stuff into our suitcases just to drop it off at Goodwill some time down the road. So I was just making up that lost opportunity today and didn’t even go all that crazy.

Max had a good time, he got to choose from the local pastries (with the instinct of a sugar addict he choose the sweetest thing available). If only his cruel parents wouldn’t force him to have lunch before dessert.

I keep telling myself that I don’t have to stress out, like normally on vacation, rushing here and there, doing this, and seeing that. We have time, plenty of time, and so what if we miss the traditional dance performance on the main plaza today, there will be another next Monday and the Monday after that …

It takes some getting used to the slower pace but I am sure I’ll get the hang of it. I’ll start by taking a siesta now, that the groceries have been purchased and put away.