Max is finally getting the hang of what it means to behave like a proper tourist boy on the beach. We took the bus to Progreso today for our second […]
Category: Merida
The North Pole is called Liverpool
Today we went to the North Pole. At least I think that’s what it was: it was cold, white and had ice but confusingly went by the name “Liverpool”. We […]
Rain in Merida
We had a good old-fashioned thunderstorm today: torrential rain, lightning flashes, thunder and more rain. It was actually quite cool – haven’t been in one in many years and as […]
Shopping Experience and More tidbits
This was another uneventful day, no new adventures to be had as Max was back to school today and we took it easy. As usual my good catholic upbringing got […]
Enough Peacock Feathers Already
This is going to be a tough one. We didn’t do a lot today so not much exciting to report and it is Super-Tuesday in the US and so I […]
Celestun – A trip to the Yucatan Outbacks
We escaped the Carnaval craziness to go to Celestun, a little town about 90 km from Merida to the west on the Golf of Mexico. It’s famous for its flamingos […]

Carnaval continued – another parade
I had no idea – even after yesterday’s children’s parade – how big this carnaval thing would get here. I come from a smallish southern German town where Fasnacht, as […]
A visit to the Pyramids of Uxmal
We took our first bigger outing yesterday and today to the pyramids of Uxmal. But to get there I need to take a bit of a rhetoric detour: of all […]
Of Volcanoes and “Pyraminen”
When I was young I used to annoy my extended family with my insistance to visit museums and spend hours exploring them. I remember one particular episode in Munich where […]

The advantage of being different and other tidbits
Max stands out – undeniably and literally – he is inches taller than his fellow three years olds, blond, blue-eyed, skinny and knobby-kneed compared to all the dark-haired, dark-eyed stocky […]