(Zipfelmützen translation: pointy hats – like the ones gnomes wear)Finally on Easter Sunday I saw my share of hooded Semana Santa procession participants. We met up with Sabine, a friend […]
Sabbatical Blog – The Traveling Tool Kid
Girls’ Day Out
Annette and I took had a Girls’ Day Out – sans kid and man – to Malaga today. We spent preciously little time there between the 1 hour drive one […]
From Temples to Processions
As luck – or rather my immaculate planning – has it, we got here right in time to witness the Easter festivities. Semana Santa, as the week leading up to […]
Steep Streets and German Tourists
We don’t have Internet access in our apartment in Frigiliana and the Internet cafe has the most inconvenient of opening hours. This one is being posted from an Internet Cafe […]
Frigiliana -White and Clean
We reached Frigiliana in one piece – sort of. The car I rented wouldn’t even be considered a car in the US and would probably be called something like “one […]
Back In Europe
We made it to Vienna in one piece, or rather three, which is even better. On our last day in India one of the many gods there decided to make […]
Fantasies of Wiener Schnitzel
Today over Masala crab and Tandoori platter Uli fessed up: he is craving Wiener Schnitzel. Seldom before have I heard such a desire uttered by my Austrian husband, who likes […]
Seven New Deadly Sins
I couldn’t resist this one although it is not strictly speaking travel and/or India related and ventures very close to the forbidden topic of religion but I read about it […]
My India Travel Funk
This blog is much delayed because there was not Internet in Varkala and when we got back last night to Ernakulam a huge thunderstorm had wiped out our Internet there. […]
Yoga on the Beach and a Smoke
This is blog is delayed because we went to Varkala, a resort town further south in Kerala. So, we basically went from India to every Westerners idea of India. Or […]